2024 Block Captain Needed for Lake Ridge Neighborhood Watch!
Lake Ridge Owners Association needs a volunteer to work with the Ramsey County Sheriff's Office as a Block Captain for our neighborhood. Can you help?
Time & Location
Shoreview, Shoreview, MN 55126, USA
About the Event
The Public Safety Services Division of the Crime Prevention Unit is looking for a person to work together with Ramsey County Deputies as a liasion in our neighborhood. Involved neighbors are more likely to have open communication lines with each other, Deputies, and the whole community. When neighbor's know each other's names, normal patterns, and look out for each other it is likely that they wil report any activity that doesn't fit with regular schedules. Involved neighbors look out for each other.
Information sharing on crime prevention, crime trends, and law enforcement issues is a key element to the Neighborhood WAtch program of the Sheriff's Office.
Neighborhood Watch is an association of neighbors who contribute to the safety and security of their neighborhood by working together with the Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office. Together, the Sheriff’s Office and the neighborhood volunteers work to implement the principles of crime deterrence and detection while encouraging the active reporting of crimes and suspicious activity.
Neighborhood Watch is designed to:
- Teach citizens techniques to reduce the risk of being victimized at home or in public.
- Train citizens on how to recognize and report suspicious activities.
- Help neighborhoods to make homes more secure.
- Show citizens how to properly mark property to identify it.
- Encourage neighbors to get to know each other so that any out of place activity can be recognized, reported, and investigated.
- Develop a cohesive body of concerned citizens addressing issues concerning the entire community.
Neighborhood Watch was launched in 1972 by the National Sheriff’s Association as a vehicle for citizens to organize themselves and work with law enforcement. The concept traces its roots back to the days of colonial settlements when night watchmen patrolled the streets.
It should be noted Neighborhood Watch is not a vigilante force working outside the normal procedures of law enforcement, is not designed for participants to take personal risks to prevent crime, and participation in the program is not a 100% guarantee that crime will not occur in your neighborhood.
These documents are helpful in getting your block started with Neighborhood Watch: